St Richard’s Hospice is an independent charity caring for patients with a serious progressive illness and supports their families. Photographs, films and stories are really powerful ways of raising awareness and funds for hospices and showing people how they benefit patients and their loved ones.
You should only agree to us using your photo/film/words if you feel completely happy with us doing so and you are under no pressure or obligation to sign.
We may use your photos/films/words to publicise St Richard’s Hospice care, services, fundraising and shops in newspaper articles, on social media such as Facebook/Twitter/Instagram; printed materials, electronic communications, presentations and other media such as websites and social media sites.
If appropriate, we recommend you consider the feelings of your next of kin and tell them that you have allowed us to take and use your photo/film/story and inform them that they can contact us at any time to stop using your photo/film/words again.
Remember that once an article is published and in circulation (for example a newspaper or on the internet including social media) it may be copied and used by others. If you or your next of kin ask us not to use the photo/film/words in future we will not do so and will do our best to stop others doing so, but we cannot guarantee it. The photo/words may still be featured on the internet/ printed materials that are already in circulation.
If you want to change how we contact you, please let us know. Email the Admin Team or call 01905 958262.
View our Privacy Policy for more details.