The Learning Team at St Richard’s Hospice understand the importance of sharing best practice in palliative and end-of-life care.
See below examples of the research, learning and development projects taken on by staff across hospice departments.
Conference presentations
Staff awards
Staff publications
Hospice UK Conference 2021
St Richard’s Hospice was delighted to present 10 posters at the 2021 Hospice UK Conference in Liverpool.
Posters were created by clinical teams from across the hospice’s departments, and covered a wide range of subjects.
Hospice UK Conference 2023
St Richard’s Hospice was delighted to present six posters at the 2023 Hospice UK Conference in Liverpool.
Posters were created by clinical teams from across the hospice’s departments, and covered a wide range of subjects.
European Association for Palliative Care 18th World Congress
The European Association for Palliative Care 18th World Congress took place between 15 and 17 June 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Staff awards
Andy’s award success
We’re so proud of our colleague Andy Schwab for scooping a prestigious prize.

Andy won for his presentation on emotional support for neurodivergent people before and after bereavement at the Royal Society of Medicine’s Mental Health and Palliative Care Conference in London, in November 2023.
He won the society’s annual abstract prize and first place for his moderated presentation.
Andy, a Specialist Palliative Care Social Worker with our Family Support Team, said: “I am honestly blown away by the messages of congratulation and support.
“The other presentations were fascinating, and I was thrilled to just be nominated, to be honest. It’s a career highlight; I’m just letting it sink in.”
Staff publications
Nicol, J & Hollowood, L. (2023) Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions (4th Ed). London: Sage Publishing.
Burns, V. et al (2021) The role of university education in driving equality and sustainability. Available at:
Nicol, J. & Pocock, M. (2020) Memento Mori: Can art assist student nurses to explore death and dying? A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 89.
Williams, L., Werkander Harstäde, C., Anderson, N., Deshmukh, A., Gayton, A., Gott, M., Guo, P., Nicol, J., Tavares, T. & Waterworth, S. (2024) Nursing students’ reactions to a graphic novel: A multi-national descriptive qualitative study. Nurse Education Today. 139.