Holding your own event or celebration

If you’re thinking of hosting your own event for the hospice then our Fundraising Guide is a useful starting point. It gives you  lots of hints and tips on how to make your event the best it can possibly be and lets you know what resources we have available to use.


If you’d like some help in person then please contact the team on and we can guide you through the process. We’re always keen to hear about your plans and help if we can.

To design a poster for your event, in the style of the one pictured left, please visit  Rightmarket. 

We have designed a ready-made template with an image gallery to make it as easy as possible for you to create your own unique poster, all ready with our hospice logo.

To help you ensure that your fundraising event goes safely, please read our guidance for safeguarding children and young people at events.

Runners wearing racing number labels jogging across grassland
funeral donation
colour run